Making Decision on Bikini Body Program
Making decision about the right bikini body program is not an easy, especially considering the numerous bikini body programs available on the internet today. Just like you, everyone want to invest their money on what works. This is why I published my experience with Jen Ferruggia’s Bikini Body workout downloads about 2 months ago. However, since I published my extensive review of Jen Ferruggia’s Bikini Body Workout programs few weeks ago, I have received tons of question on my thoughts on the difference between Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide and Jen Ferrugia’s Bikini Body Workout. As a result I had to delve deeper and analyse these two top most popular bikini body program so as to be able to answer some of the salient questions of my subscribers. I am guessing you are on this page because of your interest in knowing the difference between Kayla itsines Bikini Body Guide and Jen Ferrugia’s Bikini Body Workout. Well, my goal today is to answer this question by looking at the efficiency of these programs, the cost, ease of use, guarantees, customer support, and a host of other factors that might be important in making decision on the best bikini body workout program to follow, especially for women. In the meantime, you can read more about my detailed review of Jen Ferruggia’s Bikini Body Workout here. Without much ado, let’s dig in.
Bikini Body Workout vs Bikini Body Guide –Effectiveness and Efficiency
Like I said earlier on, people want what works. Based on my experience and experience of so many other people, I will say both Jen Ferrugia’s Bikini Body Workout and Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide are effective. Despite the differences in the approach of both program, we have found out that If the guidelines laid down in each program are carefully followed, there is no doubt that you will burn fat and get the bikini body you desire. With Jen Ferrugia’s Bikini Body Workout program, you only have to exercise 4 times in a week. The program recommend a rest day in between each session and each session only consist of about 30 to 45 minutes of workouts. This means Jen Ferrugia’s Bikini Body Workout download will only have you exercise for 45 minutes a day for 4 day a week to get the desired result. On the other hand, with Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide you will have to exercise everyday for about 30 minutes without any opportunity for rest day in order to get the desired result.
It is difficult to judge which one is winner as far as effectiveness and efficiency is concerned. Both program deliver result if there guidelines are well followed. So, I will say they are tie on this but I found Jen Ferrugia’s Bikini Body Workout to be easier to follow. I think it is important to point out that none of the program work by magic. There is need for you to put in the required effort and be consistent in following the guidelines for you to achieve the desired result.
Visit the Official Website of Jen Ferruggia’s Bikini Body Workouts Program NOW
Simplicity and ease of Use- A comparison of Bikini Body Guide vs Bikini Body Workout
I actually found both program simple to follow. The exercise you will come across in Jen Ferrugia’s bikini body workout are not complicated at all. The same thing can be said of Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide program too. They are easy to follow exercise that anyone, even someone who have never workout before, can easily master. They are also both easy to use. It is possible to do both Jen Ferrugia’s workout and Kayla Itsines workout at home or in the gym. But I think Jen Ferrugia’s program is the winner on this easu of use criterion. With Kayla Itsines workout you will need to have at least 8 different equipment. Kayla Itsines program will require you to have a kettlebell, a flat bench, two dumbells, a medicine ball, a barbell, yoga mat, foam roller, and skipping rope. So, that mean you will need to invest a couple of hundred dollars to be able to follow Kayla Itsines workout at home to letter. On the other hand, you only need about 4 equipment to be able to follow Jen Ferruggia’s program to letter at home. All you need is a chair or bench, dumbbells, ropes, and resistance band. Considering this factor, I will say Jen Ferrugia’s Bikini Body Workout comes with much ease of use and convenience that Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide program.
Programs Explanation and Safety guides – Bikini Body Guide vs Bikini Body Workout
I actually found both program explanatory. In the bikini body guide Kayla Itsines provided a pictorial guide explaining hot to go about the exercises. She rely more on the use of pictures to pass across her message. On the other hand, Jen Ferruggia rely more on use of VIDEO to teach and demonstrate how to go about the exercises. For people like me that like to learn by examples, I will consider Jen Ferruggia approach of using VIDEOS preferably. Jen also has a bikini body workout eBook with detailed explanation of the various steps involved in gaining a bikini body. So, when it comes to program explanation, I will consider Jen Ferruggia bikin body workout program the winner. On the other hand, Kayla Itsines provided some extra tips on how to stay injury-free. She also have tips on what to do when you’re injured. Although both program have tips on how to remain safe with the bikini body workouts, I will say Kayla Itsines went extra mile on how to stay injury free.
Program Content and Customer Support – Jen Ferruggia vs Kayla Itsines
Kayla Itsines Bikini Body program comes with only 1 eBook called Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide. All you need to do to follow the program are contained in this guide. On the other hand, with Jen Ferruggia program you will have access to 3 different ebooks and more than 30 videos demonstration. There is also a bonus package called 21 Day Booty Blast that will help you to get that perky bikini butt within 21 days. The 3 ebooks of Jen Ferrrugia programs are Bikini Body Home Workout, Bikini Body Diet Plan, and Bikini Body Gym Workout. Without debate I think Jen Ferruggia wins when it comes to program content.
Also, the customer support of Bikini Body Workout program seems to be more effective than that of Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide program. I usually get response to any enquiries within 24 hours with Jen Ferruggia program. Conversely, it usually take 3 to 5 days to get response on Itsines kayla program.
Cost and Guarantees, which is better Jen Ferruggia or Kayla Itsines bikini body program
Kayla Itsines bikini body guide program is much more expensive than Jen Ferruggia program. I think I will use a graph to pass across the cost of each program in a way that is so obvious to see the differences. Both program have two levels, the beginner and advanced levels. Jen Ferruggia beginner level is called Level 1 workout and it cost about $29.99. Kayla Itsines beginner level is called BBG 1.0 and this cost $69.97. Jen Ferruggia advanced level is called Level 2 workout and it cost about $19.99. Kayla Itsines advanced level is called BBG 2.0 and this cost $69.97. Jen Ferruggia program level 1 workout also comes with a free diet plan, a package that cost addition $69.97 in Kayla Itsines bikini body guide program. See the graph below for more details
Graph detailing the differences in Cost of Jen Ferruggia and Kayla Itsines bikini body program
I think Jen Ferruggia program offer much more value for the money outlaw when compared with Kayle Itsines bikini body guide.
Aside the fact that Jen Ferruggia program is cheaper and more effective, the program also comes with a 60 day money back guarantee. I will say Bikini body workout by Jen Ferruggia is the winner as far as cost and guarantees is concerned. I will recommend Jen Ferruggia program over Kayla Itsines program for any one interested in getting a bikini body.
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