THE PALEO DIET REVIEW-will it work for me?
The Paleo lifestyle has over the time been proven to have the potential of delivering an amazingly remarkable health and fitness. In case you are familiar with the paleo movement, then by now, you must have known it is not just about the kinds of food you should eat or not eat. And this is one of the amazing and attractive things about Paleo in the first place. Whatever your goal is, either to lose weight or gain muscle, you can be sure that changing your diet might not be absolutely the solution you have be looking forward to. What you really need to achieve your desired body size and shape is the right combination of a number of things, which include food, exercise, rest and managing your stress very well. But the truth is, making changes in those areas can result in an overhauling lifestyle for an individual, and this is why necessary support is needed. This is where The Paleo Coach comes in. This is a book for people that wants to be motivated and inspired. To speak the truth, I believe most of us want that. Today’s review will be on The Paleo Coach, where we will check out the author%uide, and whether it is worth checking out or not.
About the Author
The Paleo Coach is created by Jason Seib, who is also a gym-owner. Jason is someone that has worked deep in the trenches. His works everyday with a drive and a purpose and goal of getting his job done, with the expected results, and that is to help people-people like you. He has an undeniable understanding and passion for what he does. Over the years, he has continued to research, learn, grow, and help as he fight the good fight without complaining or getting tired of his work Jason and I have worked closely together for two years now; and I have yet to see him become tired or complain about what he does. Jason Seib is a trainer and a co-worker of Clackamas Physical Conditioning. In his guide, he burst the unreal general impression people have about healthy living. What Jason is offering is a plan that is free of the Spartan calorie-counting and the grinding of treadmill that has dominated the main idea of fitness and nutrition nowadays. This is why The Paleo Coach is going to change your life because it was written by a man who wants you to succeed by all means. The Paleo Coach adage “Get healthy on purpose and you’ll get hot by accident” is an excellent summary of both the guide’s materials and Jason’s very own attitude.
Download Jason Seib The paleo Coach PDF Here
What is the Paleo Coach?
The Paleo Coach is an in-depth look at the essential basics and real life application. Not only that, it also reveal the psychological obstacles in your path and the most common reasons that people fail. So the truth is, most times, having all the right tools is not enough, especially after a lifetime. This book contains combined knowledge about the basic things about paleo nutrition. This includes the practical tips for making it work, along with success stories of people that this guide has worked for, from Jason’s gym. This is a unique book that is ideal for coaches and clients of all athletic backgrounds. Not only is it also good for client of diet backgrounds, but it has so far proven to be the best for newcomers as well.
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The Paleo Coach is divided into three parts
Section 1: y;”>Section 1: Think
This first part of the The Paleo Coach guide provides users with advice for the emotional and mental aspects of losing weight and eating paleo. With the five chapters in this section, clients will be able to learn how to track their progress. They will be able to do this without making use of BMI and without being obsessed with scale. In each of the chapters in this first session, there are success stories about one of Jason’s clients. There is even an especially amazing story from one of the clients in this first section. The client’s name is Erika. She was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. After she started using paleo, long with a regular strength training and exercise routine, she was able to stop most of her medications. According to her, she can now deadlift 285 lbs, back squat 220lbs and bench press 115 lbs.
Section 2: Eat
This section of the Paleo Coach provides you with a basic outline of the paleo nutrition. In case you have familiarize yourself with paleo diet, most of the information in this section will not be strange to you. Another thing about this session is that, it also summarizes paleo to new comers. Jason also provides users with a sample 21-day menu. This comes with simple recipes, which are aimed at helping you to successfully guide you through the first three weeks of Paleo.
Section 3: Move
This is the final session of The Paleo Coach guide. This part outlines the physical activity part of Jason’s book. According to Jason, “Some might disagree, but i refuse to consider the Paleo ideals without including exercise. The way Jason views weight loss and health is holistic. He further said. “It is a sad truth that there are nutritionists in this world who do not understand exercise and trainers who do not understand nutrition”.
The way Jason approaches exercise is different from the one you are familiar with, that is the common advise of a typical hour-a-day on the treadmill. But, majorly, this guide, The Paleo Coach, has a system that is built around five primary pillars with include the following:
- Heavy Lifting
- Regular Walking
- Sprints
- Flexibility Work
- High Intensity Interval Training
In the last chapter of his guide, Jason explains some of the logics behind these choices. It also discusses how to incorporate them into training.
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The Conclusion
Jason’s book is easy to read and perfect for people that are curious about paleo and want to leran more about it, but have not been exactly sure if they can take start it. For the coaches that are paleo-minded, The Paleo Coach will be a great book for them. They can lend it out to any of their clients that need extra push. Jason also has a clear writing style and motivational stories about real life. This is an exceptional way to encourage people that do not fancy paleo nutrition, and those that want of lose weight and feel better.