Yoga Burn System: Women can now get maximum benefits from yoga
What is Yoga all about?
For about 5000 years now, yoga has been in existence. This goes to show just how enduring it is. Targeting areas like the core muscles, arms and legs, the back and the glutes for a more sculpted rear, yoga seeks to unveil an overall body healing experience.
Here are some of the benefits of yoga
- Improves flexibility: with continuous yoga practice helps improves flexibility and help relieves aches and pains.
- Helps in perfecting posture: yoga helps to correct bad posture and perfect it. This can help avoid de-generative arthritis of the spine and pains which would have otherwise arisen due to bad posture.
- Yoga helps build muscle strength and perfects the health of the bone: through yoga, the strength of the muscles can be built thereby protecting the body from back pain and arthritis. Additionally, because yoga has the ability to lower stress hormones, it preserves the loss of calcium in the bone thus maintaining the bones perfect health.
- Yoga helps increase blood flow: to get your blood flowing, engage in yoga. This is especially true of the relaxation routines which aids in circulation of blood within the hands and feet.
- Boosts the functionality of your immune system: yoga is known to have beneficial effect on the immune system. This it does by either boosting it or lowering it as and when needed.
- Yoga helps you to sleep better and deeper: yoga provides relief from stress and invariably helps with better and deeper sleep due to a relaxed nervous system.
- Encourages weight loss and overall well-being of the body
If you are a woman who loves and practices yoga, then it is possible that you have experienced some of the above mentioned benefits and more that yoga has to offer.
Unfortunately, the fact today is that many women do not experience any if not most of the yoga benefits because of the many mistakes they make which ultimately leads to injury, stress and weight gain in female problem areas.
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This is what Zoe Bray Cotton a personal trainer, certified yoga instructor and expert in female body transformation seeks to address with her program, Her Yoga Secrets popularly known as Yoga Burn system seeks to address.
Armed with the knowledge of three common yoga mistakes, the author seeks to address these results sabotaging mistakes by developing yoga fitness program specifically designed for women to properly manage their weight in a bid to attain a firm and toned body that they have always desired.
Zoe outlines these mistakes as follows
- Attending generic yoga classes: Zoe believes that generic yoga classes are of no good to women as the classes are made up of different individuals with different levels of experience and capabilities. In other words, she explains that women need yoga programs that are tailored to their needs and specifically designed for them.
- Believing every yoga class reduces stress and induces relaxation Zoe seeks to make women understand that the opposite is true as every yoga class increases stress due to the million thoughts running through your mind and when this happens, the stress hormone cortisol increases causing storage of fat in the body and invariably defeating the aim of yoga.
- No variance in yoga poses: A good yoga program Zoe explains should have variance in terms of poses and routines to enable you grow in experience and level, unfortunately, this is not so as most yoga classes involve repeating the same routine as a result, minimal results are achieved from such yoga sessions.
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To avoid these mistakes, Zoe designed the Yoga Burn system based on dynamic sequencing which she says is the key to promoting healthy and natural weight loss while progressing within the 12 week program and getting you into the best shape of your life.
Dynamic sequencing is the way of doing exactly the right poses for exactly the right amount of time and in the right sequence to perfectly challenge your body without pushing too far to get the best results from doing yoga.
To achieve the best results using the dynamic sequencing approach, Zoe divided Yoga Burn system eBook also called Her Yoga Secrets into three different phases.
PHASE 1: Foundational flow: this phase is designed for women to build a solid yoga foundation such that they can immediately experience the immediate benefits of yoga.
With sequences and new poses to boost metabolism, the videos will properly direct women on how to safely and effectively carry out these sequences and poses.
PHASE 2: Transitional flow: in this second phase, Zoe merges poses into precise sequences that will eventually enhance a positive mood and tighten and tone problem areas.
PHASE 3: Mastery flow: Combining all the poses and sequences from phase one and two, the magic happens in this mastery flow phase. With unique sequences which fire up metabolism, tighten and shape your body, maximum results is achieved in the shortest amount of time with the mastery flow.
With Yoga Burn system, Zoe aims to put a smile on the face of every woman who desires a toned, fit and healthy body.
Fortunately, Zoe’s Yoga Burn system comes highly recommended today as many women are now aware of the several lethal side-effects of diet pills and diet supplements and are seeking for a more natural way to achieve a firmer, toned and overall healthier body.
Additionally, many women; working and even stay at home moms have little or no time to incorporate gym visits in their schedules and yoga burn solves this problem because it can be done anywhere and does not require any expensive gym or yoga equipment.
The yoga burn guide focuses on getting results as it is specifically tailored to meet the needs of women at any fitness level , it is also highly affordable even if you are a woman on a limited budget. With additional bonuses, Zoe’s Yoga Burn system seems to be geared towards winning the hearts of all women.
Conclusively, it is easy to see that Zoe has confidence in Her Yoga Secret as she offers a 60-day money back guarantee for women who are unsatisfied with the results after this time. Now women can maximize the benefits of yoga with Her Yoga Secrets- the Yoga Burn system.